Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Benefits And Challenges Of Diversity - 869 Words

Writing Literature Reviews Research Plan Marcus Radford Brandman University OLCU 501: Organizational Research May 21, 2017 Research Plan This research plan includes (a) a statement of the research purpose for the literature review, (b) three specific research questions, (c) an outline that includes a statement of the need for the research and how the research questions will be answered, and (d) a preliminary list of references that will be used to write the literature review. Research Purpose The purpose of this research is to examine current research on the benefits and challenges of diversity in the workplace. Research Questions The literature review will answer four research questions: 1. What is diversity and†¦show more content†¦102). B. â€Å"The workplace encourages workers to respect diversity through codes of conduct and diversity related policies (e.g. equal employment opportunity), providing learning opportunities relate to culture† (Harris, R., 2016, p.30). C. â€Å"Although various advantages may accrue through, diversity, a large body of research investigated the associated performance benefits in groups and teams, and concluded that such gains happen through enhanced information exchange and decision-making† (Roberson, Q., Ryan, A.M., Ragins, B.R., 2017, p. 483). III. Research Question Two: Leaders Managing Diversity in the Work Place A. Treating all employees fair is a great for leaders to manage diversity. â€Å"Most people believe in the golden rule: treat others as you want to be treated† ( Preeti, et al., 2014, p. 103). B. â€Å"Managing a diversified workforce has become an increasingly salient issue in organization (Pitts Wise, 2010)† (Choi, S., 2017, p. 84). IV. Research Question Three: Challenges for Leaders Managing the Work Place A. â€Å"Having a shared set of values, beliefs and norms in the workplace that results in a shared vision all are working towards the same outcome† (Harris, R., 2016, p.32). B. Leaders should make sure that everyone is comfortable in the workplace â€Å"Building an inclusive work environment that is culturally safe† (Harris, R., 2016, p.32). C. â€Å"Showing an open mind/ flexibility towards difference† (Harris, R., 2016, p.32). D. â€Å"Holding aShow MoreRelatedChallenge And Benefit Of Diversity For Leaders And Organizations1840 Words   |  8 PagesChallenge and Benefit of Diversity for Leaders and Organizations In America, many immigrants do not lose their culture identify like language, religions, and foods. People can identify other people who is Korean-American, Mexican-American, and Italian-American. 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